The Abhinav campus at narhe , constitutes of 5 acres out of which 2 acres is allotted to Abhinav English School (CBSE). The magnificient building posses spacious classrooms, labs, multipurpose hall, recreation center , learning resource center, huge play ground and other facilities for the students.

Computer laboratory

The school is having a computer lab with a capacity to accommodate 30 students. The network systems are configured to allow internet access. Students have extensive access to the computers. The labs are also equipped with the latest software, printers, scanners, and other peripherals.

Labs-science laboratories

3.Biology as per the norms of CBSE the labs are spacious and developed with ultra modern facilities and equipment’s to enable the students to attain excellence and for imparting updated education.

Mathematics laboratory

Mathematics laboratory has been set up as per the norms of CBSE where students can learn and explore mathematical concepts and mathematical facts and theorems through a variety of activities using different materials to stimulate interest and develop favorable attitude towards mathematics.

LCD projection

LCD projection is used in the class by the teachers to make teaching-learning process innovative, easier and interesting.

Smart class – educomp

Educomp’s smart class is a technology.

  1. It provides tools and content for teachers as well the students.
  2. The content available consists of pedagogically sound and visually rich curriculum recources mapped and customized as scheme of work. This content can be streamed into classroom and shown by teachers in the classroom to make the understanding easy and real.
  3. Smart class also supports creation and management and management of question bank and e Tests.
Play park and play ground

Play park for the tiny tots consists variety of educational toys & indoor games. A huge play ground is equipped with standard play equipment’s for the senior students.

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